(Weekly Horoscope)
Gemini Zodiac Sign for Weekly
Gemini Horoscope for Weekly |
FOR GEMINI In the beginning of the week, you will be blessed by positive moon , which will make you happy and you will be focused towards your goals. Your health related issues will be resolved now. Your earnings will increase and expenditures will be less, this might boost your finances. You will be in winning position in terms of your opponents and hidden enemies. You might be in winning position in any legal matter. You will likely to perform well at work. Your boss will appreciate you and you might be promoted in terms of rewards. You might have an academic or work related short trip.
In the Mid of the week, with the help of elder’s blessings, you will expect to get new opportunities in terms of business and work, which will boost your inner strength and self-confidence. New partnership will make you happy, which will be beneficial in the near future. Your understanding with the spouse will be stronger now, which will boost your domestic harmony. You will spend money to bring new stuff in the house, which will improve your social status. You will be busy in family or social events. You will likely to invest in properties and other fixed assets.
GEMINI Last two days of the week will not be good for you. You will feel dull, which will make you upset and emotional. You might have some health related issues due to lack of sleep. It is advised to avoid rush driving or an adventure tour. You are advised to keep an eye on hidden enemies and opponents; you might be victim of conspiracy. You shall avoid making any argument, it might convert into litigation. Your focus towards your goals will be less, so shall avoid taking any important decisions. It is advised for love birds to keep patience and avoid to make arguments on worthless topics.
Gemini Horoscope for Weekly |